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ZAL precision filter

2020-10-15 17:20:27
ZAL precision filter
Detailed introduction:

1、 ZAL precision filter

The precision filter can effectively remove the oil, water mist and dust in the compressed air. This series of products have high efficiency, easy to use and low operation cost. According to different stages, the products are divided into three grades: C, t and a. The filtration accuracy of grade C is 99.9% of free water, 99.99% of free water is removed of T and ≤ 1 μ m, and 99.999% of free water is removed of a and filtering accuracy of ≤ 0.01 μ M.

2、 Technical index

Rated treatment capacity: 0.5 ~ 500nm3 / min, working pressure: 0.6 ~ 1. OmpA (1.0 ~ 10.0MPa) inlet temperature: < 50 ° C, pressure loss: ≤ 0.02MPa

3、 Main technical parameters

 oxygen generator manufacturer


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